Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Thrombolysis in STEMI

  • Patients with STEMI and onset of symptoms within 12 hours if PCI delay > 120 minutes (class I)
  • Patients with STEMI and onset of symptoms between 12-24 hours if continued symptoms or ECG changes and PCI unavailable (class IIa) 

 Door to needle time <30 minutes
 Not indicated for patients with ST depression

Absolute contraindications for fibrinolytic use in STEMI include the following:[16]
  • Prior intracranial hemorrhage (ICH)
  • Known structural cerebral vascular lesion
  • Known malignant intracranial neoplasm
  • Ischemic stroke within 3 months
  • Suspected aortic dissection
  • Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis (excluding menses)
  • Significant closed head trauma or facial trauma within 3 months
  • Intracranial or intraspinal surgery within 2 months
  • Severe uncontrolled hypertension (unresponsive to emergency therapy)
  • For streptokinase, prior treatment within the previous 6 months
Relative contraindications for fibrinolytic use in STEMI include the following:[16]
  • History of chronic, severe, poorly controlled hypertension
  • Significant hypertension on presentation (systolic blood pressure > 180 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure > 110 mm Hg
  • Traumatic or prolonged (> 10 minutes) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or major surgery less than 3 weeks previously
  • History of prior ischemic stroke not within the last 3 months
  • Dementia
  • Recent (within 2-4 weeks) internal bleeding
  • Noncompressible vascular punctures
  • Pregnancy
  • Active peptic ulcer
  • Current use of an anticoagulant (eg, warfarin sodium) that has produced an elevated international normalized ratio (INR) higher than 1.7 or a prothrombin time (PT) longer than 15 seconds

Well Score for DVT and Pulmonary Embolism

TIMI (Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction)

Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS)

Systolic BP<45%30%15% downNormal for patient15% up30%>45%
Heart rate (BPM)<4041-5051-100101-110111-129>130
Respiratory rate (RPM)<99-1415-2021-29>30
Temperature (°C)<3535.0-38.4>38.5
A score >= 5 is statistically linked to increased likelihood of death or admission to an ICU

Early Goal-Directed Therapy in Sepsis

In hypotension persists despite fluid resuscitation (septic shock) and/or lactate > 4 mmol/L (36 mg/dl), goals in the first 6 hours of resuscitation include:
  • CVP of 8-12 mmHg. Mechanical ventilation, increased abdominal pressure, and preexisting impaired ventricular compliance may require higher CVP targets of 12-15 mmHg[5]
  • Superior vena oxygen saturation (ScvO2) of > 70% OR mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) of > 65%. If initial fluid resuscitation fails to achieve adequate oxygen saturation additional options include dobutamine infusion (maximum 20 µg/kg/min) or transfusion of packed red blood cells to a hematocrit ≥ 30%. If a ScvO2 is unavailable, lactate normalization may be used as a surrogate marker. A reduction in lactate by ≥ 10% is noninferior to achieving a ScvO2 of ≥ 70% [6]
  • Achieve MAP ≥ 65mmHg[5] The presence of atherosclerosis or pre-existing uncontrolled hypertension may necessitate a higher MAP target.
  • Achieve Urine output ≥ 0.5 mL/kg/h[5]
Successful targeting the above goals in the first 6-hour period results in a 15.9% absolute reduction in 28-day mortality rate.